Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hubby Tag!

I thought this was pretty fitting since today is our anniversary. I love you babe!!

1. Where did you meet your husband?
At Tamara's house, her husband and Kevin were hanging out watching TV after work and I had stopped by to tell Tamara that I was back in Utah. She had been hounding me over email for months that he was the one for me but I swore I'd never move back to Utah..... I guess fate had better ideas LOL He was sitting on her couch and looked up at me and smiled - he was so sexy right then I just couldn't resist.

2. How long did you date before you got married? 5 months, by Utah standards that's about 2 years right?? :)

3. How long have you been married?
Seven wonderful years

4. What does he do that surprises you?
He's a hopeless romantic! I always get little surprises that remind me he loves me even though life is super busy right now. He does crazy things like writing I love you in the steam of the shower so that I have a message waiting for me in the morning. This morning he wrote all over my bathroom mirror with dry erase markers to tell me Happy Anniversary.

5. What is your favorite feature of his?
His smile, he's got dimples to die for! And his hands, not sure why they do it for me but he has man hands that I just love

6. What is your favorite quality about him?
His patience. I don't have any patience at all and he keeps me grounded. He is so patient with the kids and it's made me fall in love with him all over again to see him as a father.

7. Does he have a nick name for you?
a few actually - Love Muffin, BabyCakes, Sweet Cheeks and Ky

8. What is his favorite food?
Blueberry muffins and his mom's chocolate chip cookies. Whenever she visits she knows that an entire day will be spent baking for her son. He then hands them out as if he's giving the kids hundred dollar bills LOL He also really likes Chicken Alfredo

9. What is his favorite sport?
Football - now that he has two boy's to play with he's getting better at it. Though Dae just said the other night he's a terrible kicker hahaha.

10. When and where did your first kiss?
At the drive-in. It was amazing and I thought it would never be better than that but every time he kisses me I still completely melt. He's won plenty arguments that way - cheater face LOL

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
The family friendly answer? We like to watch movies together or go on weekend getaways camping. We're actually going to the cabin this weekend.

12. Do you have children?
Yes, two boys - Dae'Shawn Anthony is 16 and Maliek Avery just turned 11. We are starting a football team LOL we are holding out for a cheerleader though :)

13. Does he have any hidden talents?
Yes, and he'll kill me if he reads this, he is an amazing dancer. He danced for 13 years and for a time was with Utah Regional Ballet and Ballet West. Even though he doesn't dance anymore his body is still like a dancers and he is still pretty powerful.

14. How old is he?

15. Who said I love you first?
I think it was me... I can't remember

16. What is his favorite music.
Punk Rock, his favorite band is Green Day

17. What do you admire most about him?
His inner strength, life has certainly thrown us quite a few curve balls but he always stays strong and gets us through whatever happens.

18. What is his favorite color?

19. Will he read this?
Probably not, I should be safe from him seeing that I announced the world he was a dancer LOL especially now that he works construction he tries to hide it

20. Who do you tag?
Tracy, Jen S and Charlotte - anyone else who wants too :)

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